Littlest Tiniest Concern

by - 11:18 PM

Hi everyone,
It has been a while since my last post since I am so busy now. Tak pernah satu class pun tak ada assignment lagi lagi untuk studio. Bosannya can I make everything done already? I'm tired.

Actually I sedih la Idk where to say this but I know no one really read my post so I am fine talking about it here. I rasa N macam tak interested nak OPT dekat sini :( Tak tahulah kenapa, instinct. For those who don't know, semua student yg gad dari US ada chance untuk buat OPT, macam kerja la after grad, for a year  (if you got BS) and rasanya I heard that it's only 6 months for BA or BFA like me. I rasa kadang kadang malas juga nak OPT tapi rasa membazir kalau tak grab the opportunity kan?

Btw back to my story, we talked about something else at first but then I came out with this opt thing and N ni macam tak interested pun. Maybe dia busy sebab dia ada due assignment esok tapi hmmm I takut dia memang tak interested nak opt. I will be here for another 2 years and half kot kalau N takda lama macam tu I tak tau la macam mana. The fact that he will be back in Malaysia also scares me a lot since the time is so different in NY and Malaysia. Dekat sini 12 malam dekat malaysia will be 12 tengah hari. Nanti kalau I sibuk excited nak cakap pasal one thing pukul 12 malam dia mesti akan busy ke apa ke sebab dekat sana is 12 tengah hari kan. At least kalau dia opt dekat sini for a year  takdalah I lonely sangat kot idk. Tapi nak opt pun tak senang, kena apply awal awal and a lot of things need to be taken care of e.g rumah, everyday spending. transportation and more. Susah kan?
But it's actually up to him whatever he chose later, but I just hope for the best but of course, I am still hoping that your rezeki is here and you can be here with me, at least in the US.

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