I'm Back New York
Hi Assalamualikum,
It's me again.... maybe people have been wondering where I am now sebab kadang kadang I dekat Chicago. kadang kadang Indiana kadang kadang macam dekat campus kan, the answer is.... campus. I'm back guys. Which is so sad. I started my fist week as a sophomore and it was quite intense. There was a day when I actually questioned why I am studying Interior Design but I managed to get over it so don't worry. So macam ni la rasanya orang yang questioned their major okay now I get it. Nini pun pernah cakap banyak kali dia tak tau kenapa dia ambil econs, sama la dengan Nabiela tapi dyorang nak habis dah so takpe lah. Ulfa je yang tinggal dekat sini for another 3 years. Btw, now I macam dah dapat the routine every week and I know when to start doing the work and when to stop to lessen the workload so harapnya this semester takkan ada masalah la.
I wanna try not to feel sad for the fact that I am here, alone in my school ever again and make myself busy with the assignment so that I will not even have a chance to think about it. I punya tahap sedih mengada ngada tu kadang kadang macam sampai menyusahkan orang je. I sampai suruh Amalin ikut balik NY la nini ikut la semua orang la I suruh, but at last I okay je after a week. I sedih la mula mula sampai tu sebab dah la rumah kosong, pastu I tak ada barang sangat except for the ones yang I bawak dari rumah Biha so hmmm memang lonely la. Tapi I rasa I should be thankful to my friends and my bb because they were there when I need them so Thank you and please keep doing that :) Oh ya, dekat sini I found a Malay girl, Malay malay tau I was so happy, I rasa macam nak jerit je every time jumpa tu because I am so happy that I know someone from Malaysia in this school. Tapi dia graduate student in ID but okay la still I ada kawan. So I am looking forward to do a lot of things with her hehe and I sangatlah excited.