Washington Saya Datang

by - 1:37 AM

I promised to my friends at Washington to come and visit them this winter break and dah datang dah pun. At first, we planned to go there with the total of 5 people but suddenly one of my seniors joined us. Jadilah 6 orang. When we first arrived there, we stayed at Atiqah and Yana's house (its not their house act but whatever) and they served us ayam masak kicap yeyyyy for our dinner. Because the two of us actually just arrived from east, we took a rest on our first day at Auburn (rumah Yana and Atiqah). We started our journey on the next day to Bellingham, Washington to visit people at Whatcomm Community College. 

On our first day at Belligham, ada la jalan to a park and like always taking some good pictures there. It was super cold there tapi tahan jela. I pakai gloves pun rasa mcm tak pakai haha. So, we spent about two hours at that park for pictures and after that we went to a mall to get some halal foods. Dah alang alang we were at a mall, we spent some time to shoppppp. Sekejap jela tapi kan. Malam tu, we decided to go out to play bowling (our favourite game hhehe ) sebab rasa bosan. Two of us didn't wanna go sebab they wanted to spend time with the girls from Whatcomm since they haven't meet for quite a long time. The two of us tu, Nabiela and Aisyah, dikira senior la sebab they are from I-SMAT (which is earlier than MADPP kot, ke sama idk) and we are from MADPP 3rd batch. However, basically we are from the same sponsorship, which is MARA. Nabiela and Aisyah did not join for bowling that night but Encem brought his friends there. Adaa la total 13 orang yang datang to play on that night and I was quite malu la because I am not an expert tapi I buat tak faham je hahahah. 

After main bowling, someone kata pergi rumah the boys to eat. Atiqah and me masak la malam tu and because we were not really good in cooking (haha), we spent about almost 1 hour and half cooking ayam paprik. Ramai pulak orang masa tu, so banyak la kena masak. So we finished cooking at 1.20 am kot I tak ingat tapi kenyang la semua orang that night. 

On the next day at Bellingham, we planned to go to Mount Baker and something unexpected happened. We were locked out of our car sebab lupa ambil kunci. The key was inside and the car was locked from inside!  That was the thing I am most afraid of about car and it happened anyway. I was so thankful sebab a few men came and helped us to open our car using dawai and they left us with the dawai after spending about 30 minutes mcm tu to help us. It was near Mount Baker and literally no one lives there okay memang takut la I sumpah. Tapi, berkat kesabaran kot, we managed to break in out car guna dawai yang pakcik tu bagi after about 1 hour and half doing that. huhhh. Alhamdulillah. 

Malam tu rumah kawan Encem and Nabiela we ate together. Malam tu juga kteorang balik ke Auburn. 

Before sampai rumah we went to Kerry Park (the best place to see Seattle from far).

We also went to see Space Needle and Key Arena that night, and I think it was at 1 pm hahaha. It was cold but I was so happy cs it's a late night walk dude.

That was it for that day, and we went to UW on the next day. We woke up late hahah because I slept at 5 am gossiping about one of the seniors yang I and Atiqah minat at Bellingham nama dia start with S. hahahah teka la siapa. Pastu kan we went tu UW and arrived at 7 kot. Tapi the library we wanted to go has already closed. Balik la ke rumah lepas tu because we wanted to cook for dinner at home. I masak dengan Atiqah and bantuan some other people. Malam tu, haaa we spend our time together, Me Atiqah Encem and Luqman until 6 a.m (I went to sleep early than others sbb ngantuk). I got to know each of them better tapi I didn't tell much about myself. Maybe sebab 4 orang kot hmm idk.

On the next day, we went to Seattle mamak cari makanan malaysia but nasi lemak had already finished by the time we came. So sedih tapi takpela I beli benda lain.

After that we went to University of Washington again because we want to take pictures at the library. Atiqah said the library was so good. It was indeed so great I tak tipu. Gambar la saya di sana and we also went outside of the library for pictures.  

After hantar Atiqah ke airport, we went back to Oregon on that same day. 

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