The picture is from Google but it could be me one day. Could be la but I don think I will stand at that spot just to have that piece of memory ha ha ha. Yes Im a safe kind of person.
This is the second post of the challenge and its about a place... I would like to visit. Weirdly, I lived in Oregon for a year and half but Ive never been to Crater Lake hahahahahaha weird kan I feel bad for doing that because I shouldve find some time to go there before I moved sob sob. Sedih tau aku je tau sedih tu macam mana. Tengok gambar Fiqa Jamal gambar orang lain yang dah pernah pergi tu eeeee geramnya eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tapi dah jauh kan hmm Im so shad nasib baik la ada kawan lagi kat Oregon and now I promise to myself that Im gonna go there before graduate!
Its a promise kay guys yall are my witnesses.
Other than Crater Lake kan, I really wanna go to Paris for no reason haha. Of course la everyone will wanna go there at least once in a lifetime kan kan I know pls dont lie kay ppl.
Thats all for this post. Have a good night everyone! Do meet your dream guy / girl in your sleep 😜
Its 11.30 and my eyes are weak,
My mouth can't speak,
Now is today's peak,
Lets just go to sleep!